yea.. at hmtown again, LOL.. a 4days holidays for myself :P
jz finished uploading some of the photo i hv taken these days on my facebook, lazy to upload ady, after i gather all the pic frm ahloy n felicia..then i wil continue again la...
been 1 week++ didnt update myself here ..XD
because wat? i was busying for midterm test, reports, assignments, presentation for short story and etc... somemore hv to practice singing for cb nite~ faint...
while busying, i stil enjoying...
one of my frenz told me : ur face looks terrifically when u r serious in doing something.....
LOL, yes, i admit it ... coz i m not 24 hours in good mood, not 24hours in playing mood... but frenz, pls dnt mind it yea, coz i jz wan to make the things go smoothly
when u r doing something serious but ppl just returning u with a face of shitsssss, for sure the feeling is not good, so sometimes i might get angry too...
i can be very playful and friendly if u were treating me with the same way .. :)))
i knw, through out all the time, i hv "successfully" to displease many many ppl around me with my "shooting mouth" .. i m here to say sorry to all of them.. :)
no one is perfect, so sometimes we hv to learn to forgive those bitches and bitch of sons who had done something bad on you.. fucker, i m now forgive u , but here my advice is dnt over confident as u hv nothing to be so confident.
these 2 days, i m jz behaving like a pig (sus scrofa, scientific name LOL) , sleep, eat, sleep,eat... it wil spoil my plan if i continued to be like tis, 67kg!!!! i hv to stop it now...
wondering how is my mum in hainan island?does she feel good? she can tahan in such a cold weather? as i heard my frenz said that now is winter season in china... worrying her.. hope she is enjoying there but not suffering there...n pls fast come bac to look after ur nephew, he is torturing ever1 of us, hahaha....
coming wednesday wanna go out with cheekhang, suddenly feel like wanna go to midvalley have a look, dnt knw he agree with it or not? haha..coz he wants to go to buy the cb nite's costume..monday wanna go gurney or queensbay with my sis to have a look, want to get my shoes desperately.. thanksssss alot to my 2nd sis ( bageh), she is the one sponsor me.. hohooho...
jz a moment ago, my frenz(long ge, another fucker frenz) told me he likes my blog so much, once in awhile he wil visit my blog.... he said, not becoz of my writtings good, is bcoz i m hdsome?! WTF?lmao, ofcoz i knw he is kidding, no doubt he is the king of jokers (always like to make joke).. haha... but i m glad to hear that he is reading my blog.. sometimes i feel that writting blog is the way of expressing my feeling, but sometimes i feel insecure to write out all my feeling bcoz i worry that ppl wil take this out and discuss it in public... anyway, i wil stil continue to write my blog.. coz i hv no reason to stop it rite?! hehe....
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
今天朋友们都出街去了啦,sienz, 剩我一个人没去。
为什么呢? 因为~
2 他们可能会去看2012(我已经看了)
3 又去走街(我已经走了很多天街,脚很累)
4 不想乱花钱 ( 因为这个月我已经超支得太严重了,再继续的话我会吃树叶)
其实是很想很他们出去的啦,因为跟他们比较gam key, 而且可以没有约束的跟他们玩。
好好的享受剩下的“学生”日子吧, 差不多两个月这样吧?!
现在大家都在筹备着毕业晚宴的东西,大家都绞尽脑汁该穿怎样的服装出席这场宴会, 平常不买衣服的朋友们也变得好豪气啊,能扮到几美就要有那么美,连价钱也不理了,豁出去了! 好像要去赴一场“生死宴会” 这样!选美吗?(自己也被影响了,也想要成为受人瞩目的那个~lol) 哈哈哈..开始觉得有点搞笑了。 我想当晚应该会跌破眼镜吧?好期待看那些平常都不会打扮的人会用怎样的造型出席?XD (没有意识取笑他人:P)
这个拜五要回家去,老妈明晚要去海南岛玩,去一个星期, 所以要回家帮忙。顺便可以拿到手信,不然的话会被肥姐拿完去。每一次老妈买的特产都会被她给吃完,完全不会留给我!
yiksiang 这个星期也会回penang, 终于他鼓起勇气要塔巴士回家了,来了kl四年了,从没做过巴士回家??! 太好命了....他这次回去也是为了买衣服,晕啊~~ 人,个个都是爱美的=.="
不可以再肥下去了,要回67kg................现在最少也有71kg吧??? sienz 掉! =="
今天朋友们都出街去了啦,sienz, 剩我一个人没去。
为什么呢? 因为~
2 他们可能会去看2012(我已经看了)
3 又去走街(我已经走了很多天街,脚很累)
4 不想乱花钱 ( 因为这个月我已经超支得太严重了,再继续的话我会吃树叶)
其实是很想很他们出去的啦,因为跟他们比较gam key, 而且可以没有约束的跟他们玩。
好好的享受剩下的“学生”日子吧, 差不多两个月这样吧?!
现在大家都在筹备着毕业晚宴的东西,大家都绞尽脑汁该穿怎样的服装出席这场宴会, 平常不买衣服的朋友们也变得好豪气啊,能扮到几美就要有那么美,连价钱也不理了,豁出去了! 好像要去赴一场“生死宴会” 这样!选美吗?(自己也被影响了,也想要成为受人瞩目的那个~lol) 哈哈哈..开始觉得有点搞笑了。 我想当晚应该会跌破眼镜吧?好期待看那些平常都不会打扮的人会用怎样的造型出席?XD (没有意识取笑他人:P)
这个拜五要回家去,老妈明晚要去海南岛玩,去一个星期, 所以要回家帮忙。顺便可以拿到手信,不然的话会被肥姐拿完去。每一次老妈买的特产都会被她给吃完,完全不会留给我!
yiksiang 这个星期也会回penang, 终于他鼓起勇气要塔巴士回家了,来了kl四年了,从没做过巴士回家??! 太好命了....他这次回去也是为了买衣服,晕啊~~ 人,个个都是爱美的=.="
不可以再肥下去了,要回67kg................现在最少也有71kg吧??? sienz 掉! =="
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i m freaking tired........physically...
nvr hv a good rest after i came bac frm penang
seriously i need a good rest ... so tml morning 1 hour lecture ? jz skip :P
enjoyed singing k with my grp members, bday celebration(meisan n yenching), shopping with frenz, having dinner at TGI though it was exp :( really enjoyed it... wanna upload the photo but those photos are not with me now..
1 word can describe to group 1 members(including siewlee, petsim, wengkuen^^) ~~ great!
hv a lot of fun in TGI friday tonite, first time having bday celebration in TGI, kind of like......dnt knw hw to describe....great!!
the staffs there are so nice to us, the special game they gave also very suprising.. haha... nice song they had sung to yenching n meisan (perhaps the song is frm italy? or somewhere else x_X")
bought a zara shirt jz now which cost me alot . but seriously i like it much,new design XD.. a pair of zara shoes is waiting for me.. after getting the shoes, definately i wil pokkai.. hv to eat oxygen during tat time ( jz like leeting LOL)
no energy to continue ady... bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
nvr hv a good rest after i came bac frm penang
seriously i need a good rest ... so tml morning 1 hour lecture ? jz skip :P
enjoyed singing k with my grp members, bday celebration(meisan n yenching), shopping with frenz, having dinner at TGI though it was exp :( really enjoyed it... wanna upload the photo but those photos are not with me now..
1 word can describe to group 1 members(including siewlee, petsim, wengkuen^^) ~~ great!
hv a lot of fun in TGI friday tonite, first time having bday celebration in TGI, kind of like......dnt knw hw to describe....great!!
the staffs there are so nice to us, the special game they gave also very suprising.. haha... nice song they had sung to yenching n meisan (perhaps the song is frm italy? or somewhere else x_X")
bought a zara shirt jz now which cost me alot . but seriously i like it much,new design XD.. a pair of zara shoes is waiting for me.. after getting the shoes, definately i wil pokkai.. hv to eat oxygen during tat time ( jz like leeting LOL)
no energy to continue ady... bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Saturday, November 7, 2009
一个句子来形容我现在的状态 ~ 山穷水尽
想要做工,可是又那些我要的工都不请我, 那些我不想做的偏偏就来找我
一套好看的衣服( for chemistry and biology's night)
这些需要我花好多钱才买到啦! 烦~
最近爱看恐怖戏, 都败kent所赐, 介绍我这样多恐怖戏
前天晚上还被鬼压! 它还轻轻的打我的嘴巴好多下 (没有夸张)
最近看到我的朋友被他的所谓朋友排斥, 很不顺眼咯
可能是因为我的朋友最近都参跟我们这群比较多,他们那群小心眼的人就不顺眼,展开了他们一贯的作风~排斥 ... 看到他就像看到陌生人,招呼也不打! 晕啊!
其实觉得很可笑, 只要朋友开心就好嘛~ 为何要排斥呢? 他又不是在你们背后捅你们一刀, 只是少混跟你们在一起。 觉得他们病得很深, 来人啊! 把他们捉出去斩啊!!!! hahahaha
我的朋友问回我 “我们何尝不是有排斥他人?” 哈哈,当然我们都懂是谁~ 他活该嘛,我们是有原因的。 可是想想,我们有吗? 那应该不是排斥,而是不喜欢他的作风,因为我们还是有参他,不爽就开骂。 所以我们是正常的(坚持) :D
离开校园的日子越来越接近了, 心情也开始越来越沉重啊 :(
想要做工,可是又那些我要的工都不请我, 那些我不想做的偏偏就来找我
一套好看的衣服( for chemistry and biology's night)
这些需要我花好多钱才买到啦! 烦~
最近爱看恐怖戏, 都败kent所赐, 介绍我这样多恐怖戏
前天晚上还被鬼压! 它还轻轻的打我的嘴巴好多下 (没有夸张)
最近看到我的朋友被他的所谓朋友排斥, 很不顺眼咯
可能是因为我的朋友最近都参跟我们这群比较多,他们那群小心眼的人就不顺眼,展开了他们一贯的作风~排斥 ... 看到他就像看到陌生人,招呼也不打! 晕啊!
其实觉得很可笑, 只要朋友开心就好嘛~ 为何要排斥呢? 他又不是在你们背后捅你们一刀, 只是少混跟你们在一起。 觉得他们病得很深, 来人啊! 把他们捉出去斩啊!!!! hahahaha
我的朋友问回我 “我们何尝不是有排斥他人?” 哈哈,当然我们都懂是谁~ 他活该嘛,我们是有原因的。 可是想想,我们有吗? 那应该不是排斥,而是不喜欢他的作风,因为我们还是有参他,不爽就开骂。 所以我们是正常的(坚持) :D
离开校园的日子越来越接近了, 心情也开始越来越沉重啊 :(
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2th to 3th of november,2009, 2 days 1nite , we had spending our group's trip in genting.... such a enjoyable trip!
wow... we really enjoyed the trip although jz genting, very hard to assemble all the group members to go tgt !!! but we did it!
hohohoho...we did alot of funny n idiot things too...
although me n kent very bad luck in casino... (lost rm200++), tis was the sad thing! but i knw both of us derserved for it!!! but seriously gambling in casino is very exciting la..!!! LOL..but hv to control urself i m broke, kent too..planning to eat maggie for 1week?! hahaha....
the most funny thing in casino was when i saw my group members were gambling there... kenvo or wat(something like jackpot)??! cheekhang, LAP
KIT(the most addicted), yik siang, WAI LEONG!! u guys suprised me!hahahahaha... but the game ur played was like ............ i felt omg lor!! wasted time laaaa..LOL
tat nite me n kent totally didnt sleep! most scary thing was the time we both of us walked bac to hotel... FUCK U old AUNTY!! u really scared me! she was staring at us when we walked in the hotel's corridor, wearing an old pattern cheong sam.. n her eyesight was like her son was killed by us.. staring at us without winking her eyes!! i stil rmb her face expression til now! any ghost movie should find her XD!
the nxt day, we all entered genting themepark... the funniest thing was foong peik chee!!!!! shoot, n roller coaster... ask her to play with u then u wil knw y i laughed non stop at that time!!
do u ever hear some1 get sun burn in genting?!! yes, ang yik siang!! he got sun burn when in genting ..i was like WTH?! the sun tat day was too hot..too bright ..too shine...
well...we really hv alot of fun there... it wil be a memorable trip for me... hope to hv a next trip b4 end of the sememster! :P
jackson : y there is a lot of fark's smell in genting casino ? i could smell it anywhere...
wat i answered him : yes, i also beh tahan!! mayb those gamblers too exciting ady n dnt wan to buang their shits bcoz feel like wasting time if they gone to toilet, it's a golden time to "earn" the money frm uncle lim..LOL
ofcoz that day, we also smelt tat "casino's smell" in the hotel room!! chin kean giap... ur fart was "nicer" than me alot.... i think every1 in there also can prove tat!!! LOL
we took alot of pictures, but all not yet pass to my hand... wil upload in my facebook once i got it... here r some of the photo tat taken using my hp... jz few only :)
ai mei~~~
me and yenching ( she looks pretty in this pic bcoz i editted for her XD)
me and peik chee
they were playing "pong pong" car
while waiting to the game
act cute XD
many photo wil be uploaded soon in my facebook :P
ps: hope every1 enjoy this trip!!
wow... we really enjoyed the trip although jz genting, very hard to assemble all the group members to go tgt !!! but we did it!
hohohoho...we did alot of funny n idiot things too...
although me n kent very bad luck in casino... (lost rm200++), tis was the sad thing! but i knw both of us derserved for it!!! but seriously gambling in casino is very exciting la..!!! LOL..but hv to control urself i m broke, kent too..planning to eat maggie for 1week?! hahaha....
the most funny thing in casino was when i saw my group members were gambling there... kenvo or wat(something like jackpot)??! cheekhang, LAP
KIT(the most addicted), yik siang, WAI LEONG!! u guys suprised me!hahahahaha... but the game ur played was like ............ i felt omg lor!! wasted time laaaa..LOL
tat nite me n kent totally didnt sleep! most scary thing was the time we both of us walked bac to hotel... FUCK U old AUNTY!! u really scared me! she was staring at us when we walked in the hotel's corridor, wearing an old pattern cheong sam.. n her eyesight was like her son was killed by us.. staring at us without winking her eyes!! i stil rmb her face expression til now! any ghost movie should find her XD!
the nxt day, we all entered genting themepark... the funniest thing was foong peik chee!!!!! shoot, n roller coaster... ask her to play with u then u wil knw y i laughed non stop at that time!!
do u ever hear some1 get sun burn in genting?!! yes, ang yik siang!! he got sun burn when in genting ..i was like WTH?! the sun tat day was too hot..too bright ..too shine...
well...we really hv alot of fun there... it wil be a memorable trip for me... hope to hv a next trip b4 end of the sememster! :P
jackson : y there is a lot of fark's smell in genting casino ? i could smell it anywhere...
wat i answered him : yes, i also beh tahan!! mayb those gamblers too exciting ady n dnt wan to buang their shits bcoz feel like wasting time if they gone to toilet, it's a golden time to "earn" the money frm uncle lim..LOL
ofcoz that day, we also smelt tat "casino's smell" in the hotel room!! chin kean giap... ur fart was "nicer" than me alot.... i think every1 in there also can prove tat!!! LOL
we took alot of pictures, but all not yet pass to my hand... wil upload in my facebook once i got it... here r some of the photo tat taken using my hp... jz few only :)

many photo wil be uploaded soon in my facebook :P
ps: hope every1 enjoy this trip!!
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